I've been slowing down recently due to the 3 kids and also busy writing up the draft for Creative Chiffon Book 2, titled "Creative Baking: Deco Chiffon Cakes". Yes, really very thankful that there will be a Book 2 as the Book 1, "Creative Baking: Chiffon Cakes" is doing well (its second print run will be out in April)!
This chiffon cake will be in Book 2 (Deco Chiffon Cakes), so am really sorry there will be a short wait of a few months before recipe is out in full. But for now, you can refer to my older Matcha Ogura Turtles recipe, and Book 1 for simpler waves. I had a friend try out the Turtles recipe above and had good reviews! Book 2 (Deco Chiffon Cakes) covers more interesting and innovative 3D patterns on the chiffon cakes (which may actually be even simpler to make than the first book).. and an extended 3-page FAQ section from all the questions I encountered from Book 1... I'm really excited to share more about it later after the photoshoots!
This cake is made for my dear friend Christine's daughter Hui En's 2 yo birthday! She loves animals especially turtle so the cake was specially designed for her. Thank God the cake was well-received. And she's truly adorable! She got really sad when daddy cut up the turtle lol..
Made with lots of love,
Thanks everyone for your support again! *hugs*
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